- non-reversible
- незворотній
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
non-reversible motor — nereversinis variklis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. non reversible motor vok. nichtumkehrbarer Motor, m rus. нереверсивный двигатель, m pranc. moteur non réversible, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
non-reversible — /nɒn rəˈvɜsəbəl/ (say non ruh versuhbuhl) adjective not reversible …
non-reversible — n. door hardware whose hand cannot be changed in the field … Locksmith dictionary
moteur non réversible — nereversinis variklis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. non reversible motor vok. nichtumkehrbarer Motor, m rus. нереверсивный двигатель, m pranc. moteur non réversible, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
réversible — [ revɛrsibl ] adj. • 1682 féod.; du lat. reversus 1 ♦ Qui peut ou doit, dans certains cas, retourner au propriétaire qui en a disposé (terres réversibles après un bail emphytéotique), ou profiter à un autre que le bénéficiaire, après la mort de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance — (RISUG), formerly referred to as SMA, is the development name of a male contraceptive developed at IIT (Delhi) in India by Dr. Sujoy K Guha. It is currently undergoing Phase III clinical trials in India. It has been patented in India, China,… … Wikipedia
Reversible jump — Markov chain Monte Carlo is an extension to standard Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methodology that allows simulation of the posterior distribution on spaces of varying dimensions. [cite journal author = Green, P.J. |authorlink=Peter Green… … Wikipedia
Non-competitive inhibition — is a type of enzyme inhibition where the inhibitor reduces the activity of the enzyme, by binding not to the active site on the enzyme, but to a different site.[1] More specifically, it is a special instance of mixed inhibition where the… … Wikipedia
non-competitive inhibitor — Reversible inhibition of an enzyme by a compound that binds at a site other than the substrate binding site … Dictionary of molecular biology
Reversible lane — The Lions Gate Bridge from the south end in Stanley Park, Vancouver. A reversible lane (British English: tidal flow), called a counterflow lane or contraflow lane in transport engineering nomenclature, is a lane in which traffi … Wikipedia
Non-fumeur — Tabagisme Cigarettes : en orangé le filtre, en gris les cendres et en blanc le papier entourant le tabac Le tabagisme désigne la consommation de tabac, produit manufacturé élaboré à partir de feuilles séchées de plantes appartenant à la… … Wikipédia en Français